Intuitive Healing & Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching with Kaitlin Lacey
Do you wish you had more energy, clarity, motivation, or vibrant health? Are you ready for change, but need some guidance in forming healthier habits?
If you answered yes, then the combination of Intuitive Healing and Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching with Kaitlin Lacey is for you!
With intuitive healing, I will sense the state of your energetic field, and then help to create balance in your body and aura by channeling energy to you. Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching will help you form the best habits for optimal health, and stick to them! Ayurveda is a sister science to yoga. It uses simple, common sense ways to foster wellness based on your innate constitution. Together, these tools for mental, physical, and spiritual health will reinforce one another to help you be your most vibrant self.
What should I expect during an appointment?
These are typical appointment scenarios. There might be more coaching or more energy healing on a given day based on your needs and desires.
Usually we spend the first 5 minutes talking about what the goal is for that day’s session, 45 minutes on the table doing energy work, and the last 10 minutes or so on Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coaching.
During the Intuitive Healing portion of the session clients lay fully clothed on a treatment table, and should dress comfortably. I move around the client placing my hands over various energy centers in a non-invasive way. One can expect to feel very relaxed during a treatment, and may also experience sensations of hot, cold, swirling energy, or other feelings in the body. I let you know what sort of things I’m picking up on energetically, and may ask questions. I often use a pendulum or crystals during treatments.
A Reiki Master since 2005, Kaitlin did all 3 levels of training with Maggie Kalas and Georgeanne Ponzini in Huntington, NY. Kaitlin completed her aayurvedic training with Cate Stillman of via the Living Ayurveda and Yoga Lifestyle Coaching courses September 2012- May 2013.
After working with Kaitlin I felt validated. She knew exactly what I was talking about, and had some specific instruction for the *directions* to pursue in dealing with it — from the ground up, organically, in this case, rather than from the top down. It’s difficult to marry spiritual ideals and a very practical, very precise organizational capability — but that’s exactly [Kaitlin’s] strength.
Brooke B.
Location: Be Yoga Carmel

I came to Kaitlin during my recovery period from major abdomen surgery. I felt an intuitive healer would help my process. I also knew that my lower chakras were out of balance due to emotional choices that I make, and that Kaitlin worked with balancing chakras. The results were an amazing shift in my thought patterns! These shifts came from the work she did with me on the table, as well as our conversations around energy and habits. I came away with a new feeling of wellness and improved healthy emotional patterns that will stay with me as I continue my spiritual path.
Jerry T.I was given a wonderful opportunity to try energy and ayurvedic healing through Kaitlin. I came with curiosity, not really knowing very much about energy healing, but having heard some inspiring stories about experiences from friends. Through her knowledge of Ayurveda, Kaitlin was very helpful in identifying changes I needed to make in my eating habits and suggested self care practices that helped me to feel more grounded and balanced. The energy work helped me to increase my awareness with regard to more subtle aspects of my wellbeing . Kaitlin taught me several techniques to use to increase feelings of stability, confidence and acceptance and to reduce feelings of depletion and stress. The techniques that she taught me are very accessible and easily incorporated into my busy lifestyle. I will continue to use these strategies and feel that my work with Kaitlin will bear long lasting results. While I did not come to Kaitlin with any specific goals or “complaints”, she was highly intuitive, targeting areas that were weak and in need of strengthening and was able to provide me with tools to use to strengthen those areas. I felt supported and nurtured throughout my contact with her. I highly recommend working with Kaitlin!
Maria B